This is a yamadori out of 2009. It has been time in September now to style and cut back the vital growth and wire all branches. It is a station in between . My aim is to create a more lighter tree wich looks more mature than it looks now. Therefore I will style more negative space between the branches. For me the cutting back was a very hard way to go ... but it has to be done. The Picea is vital and I hope it will sprout back in next spring while more light will catch the branches ...
This was the tree after 3 years of free growing , vital with many new buds but to dense for a propper rebudding.
I did the deadwood part by making jins ... this was the first approach ...but simply too dense
The top has been too spiky so I jined it to make the crown more even ...
In zhis shape it will go in winter and I hope next spring it will sproud and rebud enough to make more negativ spaces in future. I think it will more mature than ...
This is how it looks now ...