Dienstag, 3. Januar 2012

Betula pubescenz yamadori 2011

Diese Moorbirke ist ein yamadori aus dem Frühjahr 2011. Ich habe sie den größten Teil während der Wachstumsphase frei wachsen lassen um einen möglichst großen Zuwachs an Ästen zu bekommen. Der Baum war zurückgeschnitten bis auf seine 3 Hauptstämme und hat guten Zuwachs machen können. Jetzt ist er gedrahtet und geformt für das Frühjahr 2012. Auf der 2 dimensionalen Abbildung sieht es eher unfertig aus. Die 3 dimensionale Betrachtung scheint schon viel Besseres zu versprechen :-)
This moor birch is yamadori from the spring, 2011. I let it in the mainpart of the growth periode grow freely to get very big increase in branches . The tree was reduced up to its 3 main trunks and could make good increase as you see. Now it is wired and formed for the spring, 2012. On the 2-dimensional picture it looks incomplete structured but the 3-dimensional consideration already seems to promise a lot better :-)
Este abedul de páramo es yamadori a partir de la primavera, 2011. Le dejo en el mejor del crecimiento periode crecen libremente para conseguir el aumento de ramas muy grande . El árbol fue reducido hasta sus 3 troncos principales y podría hacer el aumento bueno como ve usted . Ahora es alambrado y formado para la primavera, 2012. En el cuadro de 2 dimensiones parece incompleto estructurado pero parece que la consideración de 3 dimensiones ya promete mucho mejor :-)

2 Kommentare:

AM hat gesagt…

Hi Avicenna!

I am thinking in collect some betulas next February or March.

What is your experience with them? Do you think are harder to grow up after collecting or are quite diffucult as juniperus or taxus?

I know dry air here in Madrid is a huge disadvantage against the new growings...

Thanks in advance!
Kindest regards and Happy 2012!!

Unknown hat gesagt…

Hola Alex,
Betula is very easy and as far not so dificult as juniperus or taxus but it depends of the soil and the aerea of yamadori. My yamadoriaerea is a sump/they grow in pur peat and I need simply 2 min to dig one out with good roots.
Give it after digging Lavasubstrate with 20 % peat, water it consequently and in the beginning halfshadow when the buds come and leaves will sprout. When roots are already there, full sun but think about that they are "drinkers" ( therefore the peat will stuff the water a little bit more in your climate. They love to get nutrititions in the cheapeast form ( what ever you can offer - organic or minerals). Many fun and good Luck by yamadori ;-)